Marketing Research - 6


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Which publications can be refered for the research on Cotton & Textile Industry?
Correct Answer Indian Cotton Mills Federation Journal , Texprocil Bulletin , Indian Textile Bulletin
Your Answer Indian Textile Bulletin , Indian Cotton Mills Federation Journal

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Diagrammatic Rating scale is best used for :-
Correct Answer Rural Respondents , Children , Illiterate Respondents
Your Answer Rural Respondents , Children , Illiterate Respondents

Question In trend analysis Y= L x S x C x I where Time = long term movement, seasonal and cyclical and irregular.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True

Question In data interpretation, cross tabulation is the distribution of one variables.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Question Descriptive research is a type of conclusive research.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question In resources for marketing research skilled staff plays an important role in :-
Correct Answer Maintaining data , Dealing with different situation and problems , Timely completion of research
Your Answer Maintaining data , Dealing with different situation and problems , Timely completion of research

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The objectives of marketing research are
Correct Answer To understand the consumer needs and wants , To explore the new markets , To analyze the competitors
Your Answer To understand the consumer needs and wants , To explore the new markets , To analyze the competitors

Question Quota controls are used for National Panel Studies.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What is ment by the value of Research Information?
Correct Answer Cost Benefit Analysis of the data
Your Answer How valuable the data is for the client

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question A multivariate technique which attempts to ascertain the relation between a given variable & a no of other variables is known as :-
Correct Answer Regression analysis
Your Answer Regression analysis

Select The Blank
Question The efficiency of OTC products is checked by ________ ONLY
Correct Answer Manufacturers
Your Answer Manufacturers

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Handling large amounts of data is possible through :-
Correct Answer Data warehousing
Your Answer Data warehousing

Question Balance Sheet is an internal unpublished data.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Point of Purchase(POP) is researched through :-
Correct Answer Forced Exposure Test
Your Answer Forced Exposure Test

Select The Blank
Question ________ is the determinant of how people act.
Correct Answer Knowledge
Your Answer Information

Question In Conjoint analysis ranking of total utility is done from highest to lowest.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Select The Blank
Question In online surveys,________ works like focus groups.
Correct Answer Chat sessions
Your Answer Chat sessions

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question A process of recognizing and noting people is known as :-
Correct Answer Direct Observation Method
Your Answer Direct Observation Method

Select The Blank
Question Pie chart is a round chart divided into sections denoting ________ associated with each value.
Correct Answer percentage
Your Answer percentage

Select The Blank
Question In cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or neighbour rule
Correct Answer Minimum
Your Answer Minimum

Select The Blank
Question The significance of Market Research is increasing due to shift from ________ competition.
Correct Answer Price to non price
Your Answer Price to non price

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Vendor evaluation has to be done to select best vendor for :-
Correct Answer Price , Reliability , Credit
Your Answer Price , Reliability , Credit

Question Market Research & Marketing Research can be used interchangeably.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Dangler POP POP

POP Communication medium Communication medium

Opinion Polls Daily basis Daily basis

Corporate Image Study Advertising research Advertising research

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Verbalization of Attitude is known as :-
Correct Answer Opinion
Your Answer Opinion

Question Factor loading is the correlation between a factor and a variable in a factor analysis.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Adhoc methods for determining Sample size are :-
Correct Answer Rules of thumb , Budget constraint , Comparable studies
Your Answer Rules of thumb , Budget constraint , Comparable studies

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Which of the following are the types of Sales and Market Research?
Correct Answer Market Characteristics Study , Establishment of Quota and Territories , Market Share Analysis Study
Your Answer Market Share Analysis Study , Market Characteristics Study , Establishment of Quota and Territories

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Characteristics of Open ended Questions include :-
Correct Answer They develop rapport with the respondent , They help in exploratory research , Unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained
Your Answer They develop rapport with the respondent , They help in exploratory research , Unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained

Question Data published by the audit bureau of circulation is an external published data.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What is the publication Report?
Correct Answer A Report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.
Your Answer A Report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question An ideal Questionnaire :-
Correct Answer Is short and concise , Has specific questions , Has uncluttered layout
Your Answer Is short and concise , Has specific questions , Has uncluttered layout

Select The Blank
Question ________represents a close ended question.
Correct Answer Scales
Your Answer Scales

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question "Structured"/ "Unstructured" Questionnaire is a classification based on the :-
Correct Answer Degree of formality
Your Answer Degree of formality

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A Questionnaire :-
Correct Answer Motivates a respondent to respond , Facilitates data processing , Is an instrument for seeking and recording data
Your Answer Motivates a respondent to respond , Facilitates data processing , Is an instrument for seeking and recording data

Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Bharat Leather Corpn. Ltd. Agra Agra

Cashew Corporation Of India Ltd. Cochin Cochin

Cement Corporation Of India Ltd. New Delhi New Delhi

Automotive Research Association Of India Pune Pune

Select The Blank
Question ________must cover all possible contingencies.
Correct Answer Branching questions
Your Answer Checklist

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question In Market Research, Research Director must oversees :-
Correct Answer Execution of research at each stage
Your Answer Budget of Research

Select The Blank
Question In mail survey, the questionnaire is ________.
Correct Answer Self administered
Your Answer Self administered

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question For logical concrete and helpful interpretation which things are the most important?
Correct Answer Interpretation should be honest and undistorted , Infrequent answers should not go unnoticed , Objective and fundamental principal should always be dealt first
Your Answer Interpretation should be honest and undistorted , Objective and fundamental principal should always be dealt first , Averages are merely tendency and generalization

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question In data analysis, the analysis methods are :-
Correct Answer Examine difference , Analyze experimental data , Investigate association
Your Answer Examine difference , Analyze experimental data , Investigate association

Select The Blank
Question In Marketing Research, written contract should contain feedback on ________.
Correct Answer Findings and implementation
Your Answer Research Methodology

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Market Research is done to
Correct Answer Explore the Opportunities
Your Answer Explore the Opportunities

Question Simple tabulation is the relationship between two or more variables.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
Correct Answer Not disclosed , Illiterate , Literate without formal schooling
Your Answer Illiterate , Literate without formal schooling

Question Motivation research is easy to handle as it deals with qualitative variables in human beings who are dynamic.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False