Strategic Management - 2


Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question A strategy used to learn more about customers need & behaviours in order to develop stronger relationship with them is
Correct Answer CRM
Your Answer CRM

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Various phases of Growth are
Correct Answer Creativity , Delegation , Co-ordination
Your Answer Creativity , Delegation , Co-ordination

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A Company's strategy
Correct Answer Vital ingredient in determinig it's future , Yields growth, profits etc , may result in disaster if inappropriate
Your Answer Vital ingredient in determinig it's future , Yields growth, profits etc , may result in disaster if inappropriate

Select The Blank
Question Value chain analysis is an effective tool for ________.
Correct Answer internal analysis
Your Answer internal analysis

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Mass media includes
Correct Answer radio, TV, internet etc.
Your Answer radio, TV, internet etc.

Select The Blank
Question ________ and greater accountability replace formal control.
Correct Answer Self-discipline
Your Answer Self-discipline

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Critical resources in the emerging information age are
Correct Answer Information , Expertise , Intelligence
Your Answer Information , Expertise , Intelligence

Question HR implementation involues a series of action programme like production, estimation of raw materials, labour & machine hours.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Question Scheduling is a part of strategic management.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Program is a combination of
Correct Answer goals , policies , procedures
Your Answer goals , policies , procedures

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Strategic intent
Correct Answer obsession with an organization , ambitions in proportion to their existing resources & capabilities , what the organization strives for.
Your Answer obsession with an organization , ambitions in proportion to their existing resources & capabilities , what the organization strives for.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Business is rated on which dimensions
Correct Answer Market attractiveness , Business strength
Your Answer Market attractiveness , Business strength

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question It enables the strategists to take corrective action at the right time
Correct Answer Premise control
Your Answer Premise control

Select The Blank
Question ________ should have the ability to develop a visionto see patterns into the future.
Correct Answer Leaders
Your Answer Leaders

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question W in SWOT stands for
Correct Answer inherent inadequacy of organization
Your Answer inherent inadequacy of organization

Question Changes in company structure also necessitates changes in the systems in various degrees
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Principles to manage strategic alliances are
Correct Answer clarity in strategy & responsibilities , blending cultures , provide for an exit strategy
Your Answer clarity in strategy & responsibilities , blending cultures , provide for an exit strategy

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question In SWOT , S stands for
Correct Answer favorable condition in the organization's environment.
Your Answer favorable condition in the organization's environment.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Merger takes place
Correct Answer between a buyer and a seller , to avail tax concessions , to increase growth rates
Your Answer between a buyer and a seller , to avail tax concessions , to increase growth rates

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Horizontal integration is concerned with
Correct Answer product lines
Your Answer product lines

Select The Blank
Question ________ identifies the impact of any change on performance
Correct Answer Statistical quality control
Your Answer Statistical quality control

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question They enact the formal role of reviewing and screening executive decisions in the light of their environmental, business and organisational implications
Correct Answer Board of director
Your Answer Board of director

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The decisions which are relate to daily decisions like leave records etc. which are mundane in nature & highly routined & can be done at a junior level are
Correct Answer operational decisions
Your Answer operational decisions

Question Excelling in one market guarantees success in a new.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Question Analysis of variances leads to a plan for corrective action
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Knowledge of the relationships between choices, environment & outcomes is
Correct Answer familiarity
Your Answer familiarity

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question These are critical situations that occur unexpectedly and threaten the course of a firm's strategy
Correct Answer Crisis
Your Answer Crisis

Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Board of Directors Link between company & external environment Link between company & external environment

Profit centers S.B.U. s S.B.U. s

S.B.U.s are more focused on their Product line/business Product line/business

Manufacturing strategy Productivity Productivity

Question Arranging training program on productivity is a strategic decision.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Question Systems are formal and informal rules and regulations that complements the company structure
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question They have time based utility
Correct Answer Goals , Resources
Your Answer Goals , Resources

Select The Blank
Question Companies employ trained ________ to develop "competency models" to identify potential leaders
Correct Answer Psychologists
Your Answer Psychologists

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The culture of a company is conveyed through
Correct Answer Rites , Myths , Rituals
Your Answer Rites , Myths , Rituals

Select The Blank
Question ________ is the company's most critical and scarest resource.
Correct Answer Capital
Your Answer Capital

Question The super structure indicates ways in which company's tasks are integrated or coordinated
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What is Statistical Quality Control(SQC)
Correct Answer Identifies quality and productivity from a production process , Identifies impact of any change on performance , Instantly spots malfunctions and show where they occur
Your Answer Identifies quality and productivity from a production process , Identifies impact of any change on performance , Instantly spots malfunctions and show where they occur

Select The Blank
Question ________ support managers by keeping track of the elementary activities & transactions of the organization such as sales, receipts, raw materials etc.
Correct Answer Operational level systems
Your Answer Operational level systems

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question These people are charged with the responsibility of continuous screening of performance?
Correct Answer Audit committee
Your Answer Audit committee

Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Fit SWOT analysis SWOT analysis

Vision what a company wishes to become or aspires to be. what a company wishes to become or aspires to be.

mission what the company is and why it exists. what the company is and why it exists.

BHAG big headed audacious goals big headed audacious goals

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question It is the most important feature in the implementation of strategic management
Correct Answer leadership
Your Answer leadership

Select The Blank
Question ________ is a deep understanding of ones emotions, strengths, weaknesses, needs, drives & their effects on self and others.
Correct Answer Self-awareness
Your Answer Self-awareness

Select The Blank
Question Tata motors goal of reaching middle class two wheeler owners is a ________ category of goal.
Correct Answer internal transformation
Your Answer internal transformation

Select The Blank
Question Value chain analysis is an effective tool for ________.
Correct Answer internal analysis
Your Answer internal analysis

Question The environment of any organization is "the aggregate of all conditions, events and influences that surround and affect it."
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Core ideology
Correct Answer core values , core purpose
Your Answer core values , core purpose

Question Business ethics is how personal norms do not apply to activities & goals of a commercial firm.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Select The Blank
Question Economics of scale requires ________.
Correct Answer high market share
Your Answer high market share